Misty 's Story

Misty's Story

October 16, 2018 – December 9, 2018

Hello, I am Miss Misty, a former farm girl from Nebraska.  My sister Penny and I are 4 years old. Our owners surrendered us to 2nd Chance Vizsla Rescue as they felt they were getting too old to take care of us.  My foster dad and Vizsla foster sisters Stella and Gigi we all like to go for a morning walk and evening walk. I really enjoy hiking at our cabin in the San Pedro Wilderness and mountains and trails near our home in Albuquerque on weekends. 

Yeah!!! I found my forever home with Vicki & Robert. I will let them talk now: Misty is our second rescue we have rescued from Rita and Polly of 2nd Chance Vizsla Rescue. They are very good in helping match the right dog to the right family. Our first Vizsla was Echo and he was a charming young man and lived with us until old age took him.

Misty had been in foster care in Albuquerque, New Mexico with Kevin and two Vizlsa friends, Stella and GiGI. What a wonderful foster home she had.  When they came to visit our home for our home visit..it was love at first sight for Misty and I. What caught my attention was her gentle manner. 

 She is 4 1/2 years old and such a beautiful young lady. She is so loving, smart and is making herself right at home. We could not be more delighted with having her with us. She is great with hiking and staying close until the Vizlsa nose takes her off to chase a rabbit or point at a bird. However, she never strays far and checks in frequently. 

Best of all is the evenings by the fire on a cold night. Or sitting on my lap after a full day of walking, hiking and chasing the ball. She is a great snuggler. 

Vicki and Dick 

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